What is the Significance of Coloured Himalayan Salt Lamps?

Himalayan Salt Lamps have become a valuable addition to the decorative pieces of one’s homes or offices. Made from Himalayan salt, they not only have the quality to improve air purity but also has potential healing properties. Being available in a variety of unique shapes and sizes they make the ambience a little more relaxing and improves one’s mood by calming and relaxing it. The warm light emits ions into the air which bind to the oppositely charged pathogens and leads to neutralising them. Hence creating pollution-free and healthier air around.


Why use Coloured Himalayan Salt Lamps?


Himalayan Salt Lamps are available in many different colours. Many people choose coloured Himalayan Salt Lamps for light therapy. Also known as chromotherapy, light therapy affects the electromagnetic circuit of the human system. Different colours exhibit different vibrations according to their source and help in a variety of ways.


How do the Salt Lamps get their colour?


Himalayan rock salts that are found on the outer surfaces are white as compared to the pink Himalayan salts that are found at a greater depth. Coloured Himalayan Salt Lamps to are not made of coloured salts, instead, white Himalayan Salt Lamps come with an attached coloured bulb which gives them the colour that they exhibit.


What are the benefits of the Blue Himalayan Salt Lamps?


The Blue Himalayan Salt Lamp is similar in healing properties when compared to the pink Himalayan Salt Lamps.

Blu-ray is proven to be one of the best antiseptics in the world. It is associated with soothing, calming, and high vibration energy.

It has also been seen to help with winter blues which are also known as seasonal depression.

Blue Himalayan Salt Lamps can also treat certain conditions of skin and cancer.

The blue Himalayan Salt Lamp is believed to have spiritual, physical, and emotional healing properties.


 What are the benefits of the Purple Himalayan Salt Lamps?


The Purple Himalayan Salt Lamps are a combination of the stability of blue and the furiousness of red. The colour purple has always been associated with luxury, royalty, and power.

The purple Himalayan Salt Lamp has a varied effect on the body and mind.

It leads to the calming of the nerves and brain, it uplifts the spirit, it enhances spirituality and the sacred feeling.

It nurtures sensitivity and helps in imagination and creativity.


 What are the benefits of the Orange Himalayan Salt Lamps? 


The Orange Himalayan Salt Lamp exhibits a beautiful warm orange colour and is known for its properties of creativity and joy. A proper blend of red and yellow associates itself with happiness, warmth, joy, and sunshine.

Orange colour exuberates feelings of general wellness and high emotional energy.

This Himalayan Salt Lamp helps people recover from disappointments or a broken heart. The warmth of this colour fills the room as it lightens and encourages one to follow its flamboyance and stimulates a beautiful feeling of encouragement and enthusiasm within the individual.




 What are the benefits of the Red Himalayan Salt Lamps?


The red colour is the colour of passion. Red salt oil lamps, which are made to give warmth and a sense of depth to the room, are also widely in demand.

The red colour is always associated with strongly enhanced body metabolism and increased enthusiasm.

It exhibits high levels of confidence and energy.

The red colour is known to cause loss of temper, anger and reduces exhaustion when used in excess.

It justifies the use of the Himalayan Salt Lamps to promote a relaxed mind and better sleep.


Where to find them?


Himalayan Salt Lamps are available in a variety of forms and their properties are causing an increase in their demand. If you are looking for Himalayan Salt Lamp oil burners, grab them from online stores like http://thelamplife.co.uk/


Coloured Himalayan Salt Lamps are thus an amazing addition to ambiences to enhance its beauty while the healing properties act as an additional benefit. 



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